Who are school governors?
School Governors are there to ensure that schools are well run. They are volunteers who help decide on the direction, focus and ethos of schools.
Governors represent people from many walks of life: school staff, parents, the local community and even organisations connected to the school. This means that school decisions are made by people with a wide range of experience and views.
Who we are:
Parent Governors
Deepti De Araujo
Milan Jayasuriya (Chair)
Kate Earle (Vice Chair and Chair of Finance and Premises Committee)
Elaine Jenkins (Chair of Curriculum and Well-Being Committee)
Paul Tarran
Tom Barrack
Kathryn Knab
Local Authority Governor
Heidi James-Dunbar
Staff Governors
Laura Roberts (Headteacher)
Kathy Southall (Teacher)
Associate Members
Lea Kelly (Assistant Head)
Rachel Tomlinson (Assistant Head)
Jo Chapman-Cohen (Business Manager)
Clerk to Governors
Yvonne Bryant (
What do School Governors do ?
School governors help to run the school in the interests of the community it serves and have a general responsibility, which is defined legally, for the effective management of the school.
Whilst the day-to-day management of the school and other professional matters are the responsibility of the Headteacher and staff, governors work with the Headteacher of the school and the local authority (LA) in a close and balanced partnership, getting to know the school well and making decisions about a range of issues including:
• The aims, general conduct and ethos of the school
• The curriculum policy including religious education and special educational needs (SEN)
• The school budget, the allocation of resources and annual review of staff pay
• The appointment, selection and management of staff
• The admissions policy
• The behaviour policy
• The equal opportunities policy
• The maintenance of the school buildings and use of the school premises outside of normal school hours
• The School Improvement Plan
• The communication with parents, including the school prospectus, reporting on pupils’ progress, the school profile and the regular meetings with parents
Being a school governor is an extremely rewarding experience. If you are interested in becoming a school governor or you would like to talk to a governor, please email or follow the link from the school website.
How much time do governors give?
Normally governors serve for four years, but as volunteers they can leave at any time. When a governor's term of office has been completed they can normally apply to be re-appointed or re-elected if they wish to continue.
A governor’s main task is to attend meetings of the school governing body. These normally take place once a term. Each sub-committee normally meets once a term on issues such as finance, personnel, curriculum, nursery and premises.
Governor vacancies
Do you run a local business, work or live in the community and would be willing to give your time to enhance your local school? If so, please contact our Chair of Governors via the School Office or email
The Full Governing Body meets three times each year. Parents are welcome to attend these and committee meetings or can view agendas and minutes by visiting the school. There are certain records which you may not be able to see because they contain personal data, but wherever possible we aim to make information available as readily as possible in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act.
The dates of meetings may be obtained by emailing
Further information
Further information about the governing role is available from...