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Maidenbower Infant School and Nursery

"What happens early, matters for a lifetime"

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Intent, Implement, Impact

Our Intent

(Our aims to help children learn and develop)


To nurture and enrich each unique, individual child

through playful experiences in a

warm, safe and caring environment.



(What we do every day to achieve our intent) 

Pedagogy (how)

Curriculum (what)

  • Loving and Caring
  • Learning through Play
  • Understanding of how children develop and learn
  • The child – their stage of development and interests
  • Covering the 7 educational programmes (EYFS)
  • Annual themes / topics



(How we will know that we have made a difference)


We will have developed happy, kind, confident, all rounded children who are ready to transition onto the next chapter in their lives with a willingness to learn.



What happens early, matters for a lifetime.
