British Values
British Values at Maidenbower Infant School
The Government have reinforced the need: “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
At Maidenbower Infant School these values are interwoven within the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development of our pupils and our PSHE/RSE curriculum and are therefore intrinsic in everything we do. We ensure that these values are continually supported and modelled by teachers and adults throughout the curriculum and in all areas and aspects of school life.
Democracy underpins the values of the school. Children are treated fairly and can expect to contribute, co-operate, and be listened to, taking into account and respecting the views of others. We have mixed age Talk Circles, where every child has a voice and an elected Eco Warrior or School Councillor; these play a vital role in suggesting improvements and developments to our school. We welcome ad hoc comments and suggestions from parents and carers; in addition they contribute to annual questionnaire surveys and school governance.
Rule of Law
As soon as children start school, we ensure they are able to distinguish right from wrong in a range of situations both in school and in the wider community. Children are taught that rules and laws are created by consensus, that they are there to protect us and that breaking them will have consequences. We welcome visits from the Police and Fire services to reinforce these messages.
Individual Liberty
Our aim is to empower children to make safe and responsible choices and to understand boundaries. Children learn about their rights and the value of personal freedom through our UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools program and are encouraged to discuss these in an open and safe environment. Children are taught the importance of E-Safety and how to use the internet correctly and respectfully and what information to share with others. Children also attend important assemblies, including NSPCC's 'Speak out, stay safe'.
Mutual respect
We are an inclusive school where everyone is valued and has a contribution to make. Our school charter, assemblies and discussions explore and promote respect for ourselves and for others in a variety of situations and circumstances. All members of the school community are expected to treat the views and opinions of others with respect, even if they differ from their own. Behaviour at Maidenbower Infant school is good as a result of embedded self-awareness and mutual respect.
Tolerance of those with different faiths or beliefs
Our curriculum provides opportunities for children to explore and learn about the many different faiths, beliefs and cultural differences present in our local and global community. For example: celebrating Christian festivals together with Diwali, Chinese New Year and Eid. Children are encouraged to reflect upon and value diversity whilst embracing British Values, laying the foundations for positive and respectful attitudes that will enable them to contribute to, and to live peacefully within modern British society.