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Maidenbower Infant School and Nursery

"What happens early, matters for a lifetime"

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Life in Year 1


In Year One, children build upon and develop the knowledge and skills they were previously taught in Reception.


At the start of each session, the teacher will lead a whole class input in each area of the curriculum, followed by adult led focus tasks in small groups. If not part of a focus group, children are able to practise and consolidate their learning and skills taught during ‘discovery time’. Discovery time provides children with plenty of opportunities to access enhancement activities independently inside the classroom, the shared area and in the Year One learning garden. The children regularly revisit learning, which enables them to remember more. As the year goes on, the expectation is for children to complete more focus tasks in the week. Provision for the children also develops throughout the year to ensure that is challenging and continues to consolidate learning as well as inspiring the children’s curiosity.


Throughout the year, children will also have opportunities to take part in enrichment activities such as a visit from a Toy Museum, a trip out of school and an animal visit. We also explore our local area in relation to various topics, such as a walk around Maidenbower, and a visit to Maidenbower Baptist Church. Each class will also have a day timetabled in Forest School each term which allows the children to continue with their learning in the forest area within the school grounds.

Here is an example of our timetable in Year One.

Below you will find Year 1's topic and key text overview. This helps to theme our learning each half term.
