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Maidenbower Infant School and Nursery

"What happens early, matters for a lifetime"

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Admissions Policy

School Admissions


All entries into school are arranged through the Admissions Office for West Sussex. In the Autumn Term prior to the year your child is due to start school, you can apply online for a place at your local catchment school.


Telephone: 03330-142-903



Pupil Admissions Team

County Hall North


Horsham, West Sussex

RH12 1XA



If you do not have access to the internet, our office can assist you filling in the online form.

It is extremely important that you put down three choices of schools.

Notification is sent to parents giving the final details of admission arrangements in the Summer Term.

Advice and further information about the admissions process can be obtained from the WSCC Admissions team.


Over-subsciption criteria:

  • Any child with an Education Health Care Plan naming the school will be admitted under section 324 of the Education Act 1996
  • Looked After Children or Previously Looked After Children who leave care under special guardianship  or residence order
  • Children who need a place on exceptional compelling social, psychological or medical grounds
  • Children who live in catchment with siblings already at the school and who will be attending when child starts
  • Other children in catchment area
  • Children who live outside catchment area with siblings already at school and who will be attending when child starts
  • Other children outside catchment area


For more information please see: 




Nursery Admissions

All Nursery Admissions are dealt with directly by our Nursery;  application forms are available from the school office.
