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Maidenbower Infant School and Nursery

"What happens early, matters for a lifetime"

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Life in Reception

At Maidenbower Infant School and Nursery, we strongly believe that 'what happens early, matters for a lifetime' and the Early Years Foundation Stage is your child's first experience of school life. We aim for all children to grow a love for learning from their first day at school with us and progress well from their starting points. Please read the document below for more information about our intent and our day to day provision in Reception. 

Below you will find Reception's topic and key text overview. This helps to theme our learning each half term; however we also follow the children's interests within our provision. 

Below, you will find this half term's topic overview. You can see the key knowledge and skills children will learn during this topic, as well as the texts we use and some home learning ideas. 

Here is an example of our timetable in Reception. We ensure that the children experience a range of different styles of learning including whole class learning usually on the carpet, child-initiated and adult-initiated learning during 'discovery time' where the children can choose their own learning through play and small focus group learning time where the children will work closely with their teacher. 


Our timetable changes throughout the year to suit the needs of the children. 

Here are some photos of our Reception children in action! 

Below, you will find some useful links to help understand the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework more:
