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Maidenbower Infant School and Nursery

"What happens early, matters for a lifetime"

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Myra Woods

My name is Myra Woods and I have recently joined as a co-opted Governor. I have lived in Crawley since 1996 and both our sons were educated at Maidenbower Infant School in the early 2000s. 

My background is mainly Human Resources and Customer Support and I have worked for large companies based in Glasgow, London and Crawley. Latterly I worked in Engineering organisations where I became a STEM ambassador and developed links with several local schools in Sussex, particularly related to promoting STEM subjects across both primary and secondary schools. I set up an Apprentice and Graduate scheme which became accredited by 4 Professional associations a few years after it was established. 

I feel privileged to be part of the school governing body and look forward to learning more about the school and being able to support it as it continues to develop, ensuring all the children have access to all opportunities to progress in a suitably fun, safe and challenging environment where they can develop and reach their full potential.
